Monday, December 8, 2008

Marilyn Monday - Lucy Liu


  1. Not a bad choice. Maybe you should a Marilyn-approved "women of Kill Bill" feature. Heh.

  2. Should *start* obviously. Mondays.

  3. Well, we already did Uma Thurman. Who's left? Daryl Hannah and that chick who I thought was Julia Louis-Dreyfus but isn't?

  4. Don't forget Vivica Fox. I can't eat cereal now without thinking about that movie.

  5. Oh, right. Also, there's the Japanese schoolgirl who disembowels people. Man, I should watch that/those movie(s) again.

  6. I love those handcuff pantie clasps. I'm a sucker for those.

    Also, I like Lucy Liu, but Chiaki Kuriyama (Gogo Yubari... the Japanese schoolgirl) is a woman I prefer.

    Here she is in Exte.

  7. She's a cutie, Fox. But you do know I have to go with a theme based on Bill's latest post, otherwise - anarchy!

  8. Marilyn-

    This is random, but do you ever mention us to your hubby? Or, does he read your blog and say "Who are these weirdos?!?"?

    Because my wife will read y'alls comments section and then proceeds to make fun of me - lovingly, that is - as if we're a bunch of D&D geeks... which I guess we kinda are.

  9. I met the hubby on a D&D-style film discussion board, so he knows all about this and approves it. I'm not so sure he completely likes that I'm the Shirley MacLaine of this Rat Pack, but generally he's of the mind that whatever makes me happy is a good thing. If you read the comments on my latest post, you'll see just how he reacted to something Jonathan wrote. I read Bill's Boxing Helena review to him and he thought it was absolutely brilliant and a quantum leap over the kind of conversation we used to have on that other film board.

  10. You know you just told Bill that he was brilliant, and you know that we will never hear the end of that now. You know that... right????

  11. Hey guys, guess what? I'M BRILLIANT!!!

  12. The hubby said it. What does he know?

  13. I love those handcuff pantie clasps.

    Me, too, but I've got totally the wrong build for them.
