Wednesday, December 10, 2008

25 Super Ladies

I am a male chauvinist. Either that, or I'm gay. I say that because this meme, started by Nathaniel R. and sent my way by Rick, was very difficult for me. The idea is that you simply pick your 25 favorite actresses, and I would have had a much easier time picking my 25 favorite actors. Make of all this what you will, but I do genuinely like all of the following actresses, even if "favorite" might be stretching it on occasion. And that's the end of the commentary on this post, because I have a cold.


  1. My work is slowing down (but by no means done) so I may be able to put one of these up tommorow. Like you, I have more actors than actresses on my "all time favorites" list, although I hope that it is a byproduct of the fact that women have never gotten as good of roles as men have (and it's only gotten worse through time) rather than any kind of misogyny on my part.

    Wait, I still have 1,000 words on Shakespeare left to do, what am I doing here?

  2. Jesus, Bill, I just finished my last class, and even as I was contemplating staying up all night to do "real" (i.e., paid) work I was thinking about what I'd post next down on the old farm. Thanks for solving that problem for me.

    This is not going to be easy.

    Margo Martindale!

  3. Nice job on using Egostatic pics, Bill! But who is that in naked profile? I can't make it out.

  4. Margo Martindale! Margo Martindale!

    Fox, I don't know what Egotastic is, so I don't know why it's a good or bad thing that the picture comes from them, but it's Jenna Fischer.

  5. I'm glad to see Helen Mirren on a list. She's fantastic and is a definite favorite of mine going back to O Lucky Man.

  6. Oh, and I almost forgot, I got no problem with egostatic. Holy shit I love egostatic pics! I mean, who doesn't?

  7. Is someone going to tell me what "egostatic" is?

  8. Bill -
    Great list. So cool to see Margo Martindale here. I especially loved her in "Paris Je T'aime."

    There's a lot of Kate Winslet love out there. I think I've seen her on just about everyone's list (including mine.)

  9. I've heard Martindale is great in Paris Je T'aime, but I haven't actually seen that one. I became a fan of hers after seeing Eye of God. Her performance in that is heartbreaking.

  10. Bill, I love them all! They are gorgeous, all of them, and fabulous actresses.

    And Ellen Burstein! Brilliant choice, one which I wish I'd chosen.

    I bet you don't take the kind of sh*t I took for my egostatic pics.

    And lo! the word verification below is "aibill"

    It's a sign! It's a sign!

  11. Thank you, Rick! I'm surprised I haven't seen Burstyn on any of these lists yet. She's pretty beloved, I've always thought.

    Seriously, what the fuck is "egotastic"??

  12. Well, is it egoTASTic or egoSTATic? Fox initially said egostatic ...

  13. Oh, I don't know. I just want to know what it is!!

  14. I am, man, I am ... it was tough love.

  15. That doesn't make it hurt any less.

  16. That site is filtered from my computer. It's porn, and you're all trying to get me fired, right?

  17. Actually, I didn't know about it before I googled "egotastic" (not egostatic).

    Far from trying to get you fired, I am just trying to help.

  18. PS - I'm just kidding around, by the way.

  19. That's quite an exchange between you and Rick. I was wondering where you guys were. Say Rick, don't you work in a church, as a Pastor? Nude celebrity photo sites, throwing around the "F" word - You're my kind of Pastor! Do you also come into work stinking of bourbon and fire up a joint during the homily?

  20. PS - I'm just kidding around, by the way.

    Me too, Bill.

  21. And Jonathan, I pastor "Our Lady of the Shady Retort," full of recovering bloggers and otherwise meddlesome media junkies. We eat F-bombs for breakfast.

    But I did put in two demure '**'s in the middle ... give me some credit, willya?

  22. BILL: PS - I'm just kidding around, by the way.

    RICK: Me too, Bill.

    I was not. I was then and am now deadly serious. About what I don't know. But whatever it is... I am not joking!

  23. Bill-

    Egostatic is a blog by some pervs like us that post pictures of hot celebrities. It's 99% nudity free, which is why I like it. (We talked about this before, but I'm more into bikinis/tight jeans these days than straight-up flesh...).

    Anyways... it's a good hub for celeb picks. It makes sense that it's blocked, but it's not a porn site in the traditional sense.

    But it's only female celebrities. If your looking for pictures of Jonathan's butt then you'll be out of luck.

    p.s. I have some pictures of Rick's butt, but I'm saving them for a shakedown when he becomes famous.

  24. Oops... sorry Bill... it IS Egotastic. Good save by Pastor Rick.

    Everything else in my previous comment was accurate though. You know... about the butt pics and stuff.

  25. 25!?! I don't think I could even name my 10 favorite family members. I'll see what I can do. Nice list, thanks for that pic of Jenna Fisher.

  26. I'm so happy to see Melinda Dillon there. I really came thisclose to putting her on my list.

  27. Now that I think about it, I should have put Jena Malone on my list, too. Rats!

  28. And btw, when did the phrase "f-bomb" start circulating. I first heard it in May and now it's everywhere. Was I holed up cloistered in some English for Ninnies clas while this was going on?

  29. Hey Bill, it's me Pat. You never call, you never write so I guess this is the only way to get to you. Love, love, love this list. Especially love that you chose Charlotte Rampling and Catherine Deneuve, two of my faves. And I agree with you on all the others as far as craft goes. Not all my favorite people but I think you are required to be crazy to be an actor! Best to the wife and kids.

  30. Hey, Pat! I thought I e-mailed YOU last...anyway, I just shot you a line.

    I'm glad you liked the list, and I was happy to have remembered Charlotte Rampling. It feels like I see her films only rarely, but I love her every time I see her. Have you seen Swimming Pool? I thought her character might have been based (loosely, of course) on Ruth Rendell...

  31. Yes, perhaps you did email last. Sorry if that's the case. You can write even if I don't ya' know. Funny you said that about Ruth Rendell; I was thinking of authors it might 'be' and she was a name I came up with. Also loved her in 'Under the Sand' which was a kind of creepy movie, but she was great.

  32. I'm glad to see Susan Lynch on the list. Ever since I caught her in that scorching episode of Cracker, I've been a fan. I love her crooked teeth.
