Thankfully, someone already did. Roy Ward Baker and screenwriter Eric Ambler's A Night To Remember, which James Cameron has doubtlessly seen a billion times, and which Criterion is re-releasing today on Blu-Ray, is such a film, an almost clinical, though hardly cold, step-by-step dramatization of what led to this tragedy on April 14, 1912. It focuses on the pure history of the event, centering its story on Second Officer Charles Lightoller (Kenneth More) and Thomas Andrews (Michael Goodliffe), the designer and builder of the Titanic. Lightoller stands in for the businesslike heroism that is expected of the crew of a sinking ship, and many of my favorite shots in A Night to Remember are of crew life on the ship after it has started going down. Some of these have the air of a store closing down for good, rather than one of impending doom, which somehow makes it all the more chilling. Baker portrays the sinking of the Titanic as almost ridiculously slow -- slow enough that the passengers who don't fully understand their predicament find it easy to remain in denial until the water is at their shoes.
One of the best sequences in the film mirrors these shots, as Baker portrays the eerie quiet of the Titanic before it hits the iceberg. This being a film based on one of the defining events of the 20th century, you know what's coming, and our tension is heightened by seeing waiters cleaning up a dimmed dining room -- this is a store closing for the night, as opposed to for good -- and, for instance, the strange, slow zoom on a rocking horse, a shot I love perhaps beyond reason, or at least beyond easy definition. It has something to do with an object so easily set in motion shown in a moment of utter stillness.

A Night to Remember (a title, obviously, taken from the Walter Lord book from which the film is adapted, and about as good a title for this story as I can imagine) has a grimness about its details that Cameron never matched. At his best, Cameron was occasionally able to depict the sadness, but he never managed the horror. Baker and Ambler manage it, and without fuss. As people struggle to survive in the freezing ocean, a man (George Rose's drunken baker) clings to the side of lifeboat until someone's death makes room for him to scramble aboard. Another man pulled from the waters implores Lightoller to save the child he is carrying, unaware that the child is already past saving. The simple shot of Lightoller glancing at the other men on the boat to indicate that the child is gone, but to say nothing to the man, ends with Lightoller placing the corpse back into the water, and a quick fade-out, as if Baker can't bear to linger on it.
A Night to Remember is a superb historical drama whose simplicity of style, when applied to such a big event, does honor to that event in a way that spectacle never can. It's perhaps bad form to use one film to beat up on another, but the truth is that Cameron's Titanic has always rankled me, especially when a corrective to his film was already made, forty years previously.
I've always felt it was a shame that Cameron couldn't have built his entire film on it.
Thankfully, someone already did.
Yes! Exactly! I mean, I know you already know how I feel about this (and I don't hate Cameron's film but I don't like the whole thing either. I like exactly what you like about it but feel it's enough to give the whole film a 51% instead of a 49%) but it's still good to see you found it so good. It's just an excellent movie, period and the best Titanic movie hands down. I wrote that almost three years ago (my second most popular post ever, it still gets about 200 plus hits a day) in a post on History and the Movies at Cinema Styles and I stand by it. I've seen it a good five or six times and it holds up every time. What a great movie. If I ever get a blu-ray player, I'll buy it.
I didn't get the Blu-Ray myself (confidentially, outside of a few movies, I have yet to see big draw), but I'm very glad I finally watched it. I would have said more, but I felt so under the gun writing this. Whatever, though, it's a great movie.
But one thing I didn't get into, and didn't get into by choice, is...look. Cameron's movie. I know it and A NIGHT TO REMEMBER are based on the same historical facts, and I am not at all any kind of scholar on the subject, but there are shots in TITANIC, and set ups, ripped straight from Baker's film. Andrew standing in the sloping lounging staring at the clock, the rich dude slipping into the lifeboat -- and I know this stuff happened, but the way the crewman sees him, looks at him in disgust, and then turns his head and disdainfully gives the order to lower the boat...there's other stuff, too, and it all just seems WAY too specific for it not to be Cameron ripping of A NIGHT TO REMEMBER.
Also, I remember Siskel & Ebert's review of TITANIC, and one of them, I think Ebert, praised the film for doing such a great job of making it clear and understandable how and why the Titanic sank. I'm not claiming Cameron ripped off Baker and Ambler here -- this really is just the same history fueling both movies -- but A NIGHT TO REMEMBER made the same thing just as clear and understandable in precisely the same way.
I just can't cut TITANIC much slack, despite the parts I liked. If they just released that "Nearer My God to Thee" bit on DVD, though, I might buy it.
If Ebert said that implying it hadn't been done before, how stupid. Surely he's familiar with A Night to Remember. Maybe not.
I mainly hate all the non-sinking stuff in Cameron's version and like all the sinking stuff. Nevertheless, A Night to Remember is the real deal, a meticulously crafted examination of the events without the love-story crap or the faux-epic feel (by faux, I mean, it's running time is the only thing it has in common with an actual epic.).
Correct about both movies. I thought Titanic was so weak I could never understand just what it was people saw in it that made it such a huge hit. (well, I sorta get that it appealed to girls who apparently don't have much of an idea of what a good drama is)
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