Monday, August 20, 2012

Oh, By the Way...

Oh, hello everybody. So, like, I have screeners coming my way over the course of August's waning days, and also other, more different screeners coming in September. The acceptance into my possession of these screeners obligates me -- obligates me happily, I hasten to add -- to post, or "write", about them, but I have to say that outside of them shits, there will be no other posting on this, The Kind of Face You Hate, my personal blog, where I record my dreams and hopes and desires and wishes and heart's songs, until October. In the next paragraph, I will reveal the reason for this.

The reason for this is because in October, as some of you may know, I will begin The Kind of Face You Slash, my annual, 31-day-long collection of scholarly essays on the subject of horror fiction. Last year I was able to get ahead of the game a little bit, with some posts written early and whatnot, but this year the plan is to get even more ahead of the game by writing even more early posts. And I have so much reading to do, you guys! So time being of the essence and everything, and all that, etc. You get where I'm going with this. So if the news of an upcoming paucity of new material on The Kind of Face You Hate fills you with an unnameable terror, well fuck you, I'm not your doctor. Just hold on for a few week's for shit's sake. Jesus H. Christ.


  1. "31-day-long collection of scholarly essays"

    Ahahahaaa, scholarly. Oh man, you're too much. Always keep joking, my friend, always keep joking. The pain can't last forever.

    1. I'm told that if you visualize the outcome you want, you can make it come true.

  2. I'll try to hang in there until Oct. 1st, but you better come through Bill Ryan. Endeavor to persevere. Love, Kelly

  3. Dammit bill, I'm already having panic attacks. Will someone suggest a homeopathic remedy already?!
