Thursday, February 16, 2012

Book Readin'

I don’t know what it is – maybe Tiny Furniture took more out of my than I thought – but this blog can go suck it for all I care. Actually, no, that’s not fair. I don’t really believe this blog should have to go suck anything. But I’ll tell you, for a while now, since about 12:00 AM, January 1, 2012, my time management skills as they apply to my hobbies and interests, have been all screwy. More specifically, I feel like I’ve barely been reading my precious books this year, at least not at the clip I normally manage, and when you consider that I actually feel guilty when I feel like I’m not reading enough (for the record, I’m a mentally ill idiot whose emotions are stupid), then maybe you can imagine my desire to change things.

All this is only to say that I’m going to take a “reading break” from the blog for a little while. Not long, probably, and if any screener obligations come along during that break then I will of course have to put the break on hold. But I really do want to get some kind of rhythm going in my reading. January was a pretty productive month here, February has, thus far, been less so, and if that’s going to be the case I might as well put that free time to good use. Once I get my reading legs back, though, things should be back to normal.

For those of you still unclear on what, exactly, I’m talking about here, I’ve included a picture of a book being read by a person:

This is exactly what I will be doing, precisely like that. Outfit, clothes, all of it. Hair. The whole deal.


  1. Bill -

    Good for you! I, for one, am cheered to know that there are people left in the world who put a priority on reading books. Good luck.

  2. Is it weird that I'm a little attracted to you right now? Also, bravo on the reading initiative!

  3. I couldn't say for sure. If it's common for you to feel an attraction to another man because of his love of reading, then no, for you, it is not weird. It is for me, though.

  4. In my defense, you did say it would look exactly like the picture.

  5. Oh that's right. Sometimes, when I farm these posts out to one of my interns, I forget to read them myself.

  6. I keep telling you to break. People have blog updates on readers and Facebook and Twitter. You could not post for two months, then post and get the same amount or more readers. Really, it's not like three or four years ago. It's easy now to take a long break now and not lose anyone.

    So anyway, see you in 2013!

  7. I do take breaks sometimes. This is just another one. I'm not at the point where I feel comfortable taking a break as long as you're suggesting, but still, I take breaks.
