Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Apparently, I Have a Blog

And I have been neglecting it! Well, this break was planned, just not announced, but with October and everything like that there, I figured I needed to not write anything for a little while. Plus I was away, because my life is not spent chained to my computer like the rest of you. I was in New Orleans just a few days ago, and I saw a table of radicals at a book fair selling (or perhaps offering up to be stolen) signs that said "Kill Your Xbox". Oh, indeed! Indeed! TEAR IT DOWN!!! TEAR IT ALL DOWN!!!!

So anyway, probably this weekend is when something that is ostensibly worth reading might once more make an appearance. I'm not dead or anything.


  1. You do not have a blog. You have never had a blog. You signed into the hotel alone.

  2., that simply can't be. must be mistaken...

  3. Man, you really know how to make a guy feel bad.

  4. Oh, sorry. I meant "asswipe" as a compliment. My bad.

  5. Hey, I'm not chained to my chair, it's completely voluntary servitude. I have standards, you know.

  6. Just keeping writing, monkey-boy. That's what you're good at.
