Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quiet Time

When I find myself overwhelmed with as many time consuming obligations as I currently do, I'm reminded of something Cathy Guisewhite once said: "Ack! Chocolate! Boys! Ack!" And then she raised a finger into the air and made circular motions. Indeed, Cathy, indeed.

It is not my intention to provide a list of the things that are keeping me from posting at the pace and in the manner, and about the things, I would prefer, and anyway you're going to know about the vast majority of them pretty soon because most of them actually are blog-related. It's insane to me that suddenly I have actual obligations related to this site, apart from the neurotic ones I've taken upon myself. Now when I consider the things I have to write about in order to keep up my end of certain bargains, it's almost as if I'm getting paid to do this. Except that in a very real, financial sense, I'm not. Also, speaking of obligations, but not ones pertaining to the blog, Infinite Jest is super long, and lots of times there aren't even any paragraph breaks.

This is all to say that things will probably be light around here for a few days, until the weekend, which tends to be my MO lately, because I apparently prefer to post on days when nobody's going to read shit on the internet. But several things in the pipeline, boy do I feel busy, how can a single girl like me juggle relationships and a career in the big city, my friends are like my sisters. See you later.

1 comment:

  1. It's insane to me that suddenly I have actual obligations related to this site, apart from the neurotic ones I've taken upon myself.

    Ain't that the truth.

    Also, I'm thinking about stealing your tag "Got nothin'."
