Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sketches: A Rumination, Part Two

It's difficult for me to say what, exactly, I'm hoping to say in the following self-portrait (number two in a series). Still, I do believe that this is a reasonable illustration of how the world views me -- not how I view myself, please remember, although, actually, there's not much difference, if I'm being honest.

Anyway, it's just sex, America -- try and loosen up for once! Also, you can't even say I'm racist, because almost all of the major female hair colors are represented.

Finally, I'd like to dedicate this post to my wife.


  1. Based on that last sentence you're a far braver man then I.

  2. I must admit, I'm worried about that being taken the wrong way. Without getting too outside of it, I hope people understand that it's just the "artist", the painter guy, speaking. If you see what I mean.

  3. Oh yeah. I think that's easy enough to tell.

  4. I still think Banksy invented you.

  5. I'm so glad you censored that. This is a family blog.

  6. Bryce - I should hope so, but I've learned that jokes on the internet can sometimes be misunderstood.

    Josh - I literally believe I'm a much greater artist than Banksy.

    Ed - It went against my principles, but I don't want to end up like Arbogast.

  7. I enjoy the contradiction of topless women wearing ankle-length skirts.

  8. Well, they're not going to show up naked! Besides, that redhead is good to go, if you get me.

  9. Speaking of "good to go," it disturbs me that your own, um, area didn't rate a black bar, suggesting a deficiency familiar to Ken dolls. Is the subtext that you feel unmanned by all the sexual bounty that surrounds you?

  10. Tom, that's an excellent question, and I thank you for asking it.

    The answer is no, I do not feel unmanned by the sexual bounty. The truth is, in the picture I am, in fact, wearing pants. They're just really, really tight.

  11. Oh, OK then. I just hadn't pegged you for that Jim Morrison vibe.

  12. On the contrary, that is very much the kind of person I am. Very much.
