Wednesday, September 22, 2010

By the Time You Read This, I Will Already Be Dead

Dead set on cranking up The Kind of Face You SLASH!!!! again, that is!

Yes, October is peeking around the corner, which means that very soon film and book bloggers everywhere will be assaulting their readers with horror and Halloween themed posts. 'Round these parts, what I do is, I read horror fiction all month, and every day I write about what I've read. Simple! Yeah, for you maybe! To be honest, I came very close to not doing it this year, because -- without getting too whiny about it -- this project is a pretty big commitment. But I've done it two years in a row now, and given my tastes I want to do something for October, and if not this, then what? And if not me, then who? I mean, other than Will Errickson.

For those of you new to this blog, or at least to what I do every October (or rather, both Octobers), this link should take you to every The Kind of Face You SLASH!!!! I've written so far, so you'll have a pretty good idea of what this entails. One thing that might not be obvious is that I do my durndest to focus each post on one, or possibly two, writers I haven't covered before (which is the other thing -- every novel and story I write about will have been read for the first time, by me, for the purposes of this October dealy). I admit that I haven't stuck to this arbitrary rule every single post -- I've written more than one post at least partially covering fiction by Steve Rasnic Tem, for instance -- but for the most part that's been the plan. This year, I can't say for sure if it still will be. As I say, it's a more or less arbitrary rule, and as I enter, which I'll be doing Oct. 1st, my 63rd post of this type, the number of writers that I both want to write about, and whose work I have ready to hand, and who I haven't already covered, dwindles. Dwindles, I say, but doesn't expire, so we'll see what we'll see. I'm just giving you a head's up, for whatever that's worth.

The only other thing I want to mention here is that as I prepare for The Kind of Face You SLASH!!!!, you'll probably see far fewer new blog posts until October. I'd really like to do as much early prep work as I can before we begin, to ease some of the daily grind. So for the next eight or nine days, don't expect to see much, or anything, new here. But after that, you won't be able to get away from me! There'll be so many new posts that you'll be "Hey, that's a lot of posts! Stop it, you dick!" And I'll be "But I thought this is what you wanted!" Then you'll grab your keys and storm out, slamming the door behind you, and I'll fall to my knees sobbing. By that time, October will probably be over, so who cares?


  1. You totally had me! I saw the headline and I was like, "Oh my god, Bill is dead! He's been murdered and in the post, somewhere, possibly, he has left me, and me alone, the clues that will lead to his murderer. I cannot let him down!"

    And then I read your opening line and I was like, "That guy! He did it to me again!" And then I said, "lol" but no one was around to hear me say it so I just actually laughed out loud instead.

    Glad you're not dead.

  2. Ha ha! I was hoping you'd think I was dead! AND YOU TOTALLY DID! That's hilarious!

    Sorry I didn't give you a mystery to solve, though.

  3. The post title, it's from Travis's letter to Iris, is it not? I'm just gonna hafta go ahead and say that it is.

  4. I think it's from half the letters ever featured in film history, actually.

  5. By the time you read this, I will have killed you.

  6. I will solve it Bill, fear not! Hmmm, let's see, maybe Kelly knows who killed him.

  7. No way man, I didn't see nothing!

  8. Well, then, I'm stumped. [talking to self] Let's see... asked Kelly... played tetris... read definition of 'murder' in dictionary.

    Yeah, Bill, or Bill's family, I think I did all I could. Sorry, this one seems unsolvable.

  9. Oh well. Thanks for trying, anyway!

    *ascends to Heaven*

  10. If you're looking for new authors to encounter this year, you may want to try Brian Evenson. His collections Altmann's Tongue and The Wavering Knife are both quite excellent.

  11. Otherbill - Those sound really good, and vaguely familiar, too. I probably heard about Evenson at one point, and forgot. They're both on my Amazon wishlist now, though.

  12. ha - love the title of your post :-)

    I was thinking today whether my own blog would have some "october/halloween" themed post & what this would mean for my own blog!

    Don't die before you post again, otherwise this could be a creepy way to leave the world.

  13. Wouldn't it?? So far so good, though. I just have to make it until tomorrow.
