Friday, July 30, 2010


With certain life-y type situations, and moments, and what have yous, looming, I've found myself rather distracted away from not only writing on, but even thinking about, this here blog. I hasten to add, for any of you who are currently clutching at your pearls, that the life stuff that I'm referring to is nothing to get all worked up about, but as it involves surgery you can perhaps understand why my mind is elsewhere.

So that's where my head is -- or, as they say nowadays, that's where my head is located at. I just haven't felt particularly energized to write much lately, because all of my thoughts have been at least tangentially connected to getting through Wednesday, at which point I will begin two and a half weeks of work-free, medically enforced, lying around and doing nothing. It's not out of the question that, between now and then, I might actually write an actual post about something somebody might care to read, but if I don't, this is why. Similarly, after Wednesday, even though I'll be in recovery mode, I will also have a lot of free time. Mind you, I plan on reading a shitload of books and watching a pantload of movies, but one would think that all of that might inspire me, or fire a spark, or bestow upon me wings of song, so for all I know this brief lull will only preface a great blogging inferno, by which I mean the good kind of inferno. On the other hand, during at least a portion of my recovery, I will be fucked out of my shit on some mad-ass painkillers, or such is my most fervent hope. Should that turn out to be the case, I may not have it in me to post much, and if I do, please brace yourselves.

But whatever happens, this post that you are now reading is only a head's up for anybody who cares to know why the next four, five, or six days could be light on posts around here. Again, nothing to be concerned about (I have a hernia, if you must know), but it's a big enough deal to consume too much of my thinking right now. But really, don't be shocked if I post something here before Wednesday. But also don't be shocked if I don't.


  1. Thanks, Dennis -- those are more or less plans. Part of me, even a large part, is looking forward to the recovery part, and I seem to believe I'll have enough time to read half the books in my library. I'm certainly going to give it a try.

  2. Well, I did play a doctor on TV...until someone from the A.M.A. started filing complaints. My best advice to you is get on the mend quickly and in the meanwhile, immerse yourself thoroughly in a bath of culture (film and book) salts.

  3. Greg - I'll see what I can do about posting stoned, but whatever happens in that regard, I have high hopes that my hernia operation will save my marriage.

    Ivan - Man, with all this free medical advice, I'm wondering if I could have saved some money. But otherwise your best advice is also my inclination, and I'm looking forward to it.

  4. Good luck, both with surgery and recovery. There are many times when I've secretly wished for an iron-clad excuse to watch movies and play video games for a solid week-and-a-half.

  5. Best Of luck buddy. Hope all goes well.

  6. Where's the hernia? Mine was in the groin, an inch or two from Little Elvis. Under the knife, mesh installed. It's routine. I was back to work in a week. I feared that "my junk" wouldn't grow, but during recovery Raquel's One Million Years BC had just been released on VHS. One look at her and the twitch was on.

  7. Fuzzy and Bryce - Thanks, fellahs!

    Flickhead - My hernia is in pretty much the exact same area as yours -- mesh, placement, and everything. The surgeon said two weeks, though, and that's what I put in for. And I'm taking it all, goddamnit.

  8. Only now do I realize I missed a perfectly cromulent opportunity for an "Ape Blood Transfusion" joke.

    I apologize for this error and swear never to miss another Ape Blood Transfusion opportunity again.

  9. I don't have anything clever to say. I hope all goes well and you feel better soon.

  10. Thanks, Neil. Again, it's routine stuff, and, as I think I've hinted, here and elsewhere, in a perverse way I'm looking forward to it. Not to the surgery, of course, but to the time after, where I can just read and watch movies, and nothing else, without guilt.
