Saturday, December 19, 2009

On the Shelf: Sturgeon

My focus on collecting the complete stories of Theodore Sturgeon unfortunately waned. I am not happy about this. What you see here is only about half of the published volumes.


UPDATE: For Rod...


  1. Where would you recommend a neophyte should start with Sturgeon?

  2. I'm not sure, horoki. You could start with one of his novels -- MORE THAN HUMAN or SOME OF YOUR BLOOD, say -- except Sturgeon was really a short story writer at heart. And I haven't read piles of his story collections, but rather many stories spread over many collections.

    So...maybe if you can get ahold of ALIEN's not really a best of, but more of a showcase of his different styles.

  3. Love it.

    Speaking of Sturgeon, I have a copy somewhere of his novelization of "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea".

  4. I have a lot of Sturgeon in my collection, but not that one. Have you read it?

  5. Long, long time ago. Like Isaac Asimov's "Fantastic Voyage", it has a lot more hard scifi injected, as I recall.

  6. Horoki, if you're still reading, I've changed my mind. I say, start with MORE THAN HUMAN. It's one of his most famous works. And while flawed, it's still quite good, and it really gives you a good idea of what Sturgeon was about.
