Monday, September 28, 2009

Are the Fires of Hell A-Glowing?

Not yet, they aren't, but you just wait until Thursday. That's the day, in case you didn't already know, that I begin my month-long October horror project, aka The Kind of Face You SLASH!!! Basically what will happen is, each day I will focus on a different writer of horror fiction, and sometimes more than one, as well as selected short stories (and the occasional novel) written by said writer. The history of the genre, in piece-meal fashion, will also be covered, as well as various themes, and how they change through the years. If this year is anything like last year, however, the main focus will end up being the actual quality of the work, and what are our standards for horror these days, and should they be higher (yes, is the short answer to that one).

I've already read a number of stories -- and one novel, which I'm unsure I'll end up writing about -- and written a couple of posts, and I must say there have been some interesting and entirely unplanned overlaps in subject and theme, if not in quality, that should give the first several days a nice flow, unless I completely screw it up. After that, things will probably become a little more scattershot but no less interesting, or so I desperately hope.

So that starts Thursday, and this blog will likely remain dormant until then, as I try to cram in more reading and get a few more posts ahead of the game. Until then...happy haunting! Or ban-shee you soon! Or have a wound-erful Tuesday! And also Wednesday! Or should I say Wounds-day!


  1. I don't get it. Explain it again.

  2. Greg, basically I'm going to be posting hardcore lesbian porn every day for a whole month.

  3. Great, can't wait! Doing a "Halloween Month" on my site, as well, part of the Countdown to Halloween. Fun stuff!

  4. I'm going to be posting hardcore lesbian porn every day for a whole month.

    That's what I thought.

    word verification: hardcore lesbian porn. Damn! What are the odds?!

  5. Wings - Thanks! I'll be sure to check out what you're up to, as well.

    Greg - That's nuts! I almost can't even believe you're tell the truth!

    word verification: october horror project

    What the eff!

  6. Whoever you write about, please just make sure that Dean Koontz isn't included.

    Just kidding.

  7. Adam - He's not. I actually have nothing particularly against him (haven't read much, liked some, didn't like others, etc.), but he's not really suited to this project. I don't really know what I mean by that, however.

  8. word verification: Dean Koontz sucks.

  9. word verification: Stephen King sucks too and the time is now 7:43.

  10. I'm actually starting to get a little scared.

  11. word verification: time for bed.

    You know, I haven't made one of these up. The word verifications also tell me to do things sometimes and I do, hoping it will stop but it never does. Often it involves fire. Anyway, goodnight!
