Wednesday, August 5, 2009

He Who Guards Us

Ever vigilant, ever watchful, yet sleepy, Danny Martin will not let us down. When all is black around us, when archfiends and creatures born from meteorites would do us harm, Danny Martin will always be there to protect us. If you see him swooping in to rescue you, and you sense from his behavior that he's overtired, do not be afraid. It is but a ruse.

Danny Martin will always guard us.


  1. This comment isn't to celebrate the heroism of Lil' Danny Martin, but to point out the nice composition of that shot. Like the way the blue on the sign coordinates with Danny's foot pajamas.

  2. I heard a scary noise last night, and I was getting all worked up, but my wife said, "Don't worry. If it's a blob, Danny Martin will stop it."

    And she was right, because last night I was not eaten by a blob.

  3. Fox, it's really not a bad movie. I'm actually thinking about putting up something else about it on Friday, although it wouldn't be about the movie itself, so much, and it would be kind of sad, too.

    So, uh...look forward to that one, guys!

  4. That is a nicely composed shot. I don't think I've seen The Blob since I was about Danny Martin's age myself, maybe I should revisit it. I loved it as a kid, but of course that means little; I have a feeling it'd hold up well, though.

  5. I've never seen The Blob. I didn't know what y'all were talking about.

  6. We've obviously all come to the agreement that The Blob is the world's finest movie, so you should probably hurry up and see it.

  7. Danny doesn't guard us, he gods us. Weren't you listening?

  8. Danny doesn't guard us, he gods us. Weren't you listening?...

    No, I know. But I didn't want to get all esoteric up in here.

  9. Too bad you didn’t think of this a month earlier — you could’ve tied it in with this year’s BlobFest, which they still hold at the exact same theater that’s in The Blob! Next year if you wanna go, I’ll gawd you.
