Monday, November 10, 2008

Marilyn Monday - Uma Thurman

I think Uma Thurman is quite attractive, but unfortunately she hasn't been in a lot of photographs that meet the stringent requirements of Marilyn Mondays (TM). So this is the best I could do. In some ways, this is just the kind of picture I was looking for, but in another way -- the way that involves asking Uma Thurman to solve a complex geometry problem immediately upon waking up -- it's kind of confusing. But oh well. It's not my fault that Thurman has never taken a picture where she's coyly hiding her boobs with her hands.


  1. It's not my fault that Thurman has never taken a picture where she's coyly hiding her boobs with her hands.

    And yet, I still blame you.

  2. Jonathan - You blame me for everything! I'm not the guy who ratted you out on that Ohio job!

    Marilyn - That's true. I just don't like the tendency these days for the subjects of these photographs to have dazed looks on their faces.

  3. If this isn't up to the standards of Marilyn Mondays, then it'll do 'til one comes along.

    By the way, the obnoxious "word verification" thing below says "nologin" Maybe I won't.

  4. Rick - No, you have to log in! Today is opposite day!

  5. More and more I am thinking that Bill and I have different taste in women... (sigh)

    Marilyn -

    "... that blonde chick". You snarky rascal! Plus, she was elevating her butt, and butts trump boobs in the arena of superficial body worship.

    What type of woman does Rick lust after, I wonder??

  6. ... Thurman has never taken a picture where she's coyly hiding her boobs with her hands.

    The devil, you say!

    What a shame to forget the lovely Venus... Scarcely twenty years ago, and already forgotten.

  7. Abdidscedi, I have not forgotten her performance as Venus. That scene holds a special place in my heart. But, I couldn't find a picture of it on-line that didn't show her nipple, and I'm trying to keep things...cleanish.

  8. Ah, yes; that's why I opted for the image I offered, it being clipped out of a larger, more explicit collage of the scene. While it may still seem to hint at nipple on the left, if you compare it to the shape and placement in the more close-up images, it's clearly more shadow than substance here.

    Alternatively, there's also the one full body shot from that scene where nothing is exposed, although from that distance those less familiar with the actress' body of work may not recognize her.

    Natheless, my apologies if my selection went beyond the bounds of your blog.

  9. They're going to rescind my membership in N.O.W. if anyone finds out about Marilyn Monday... oy!

  10. Abdescedi, you're fine. Everyone knows my blog contains Adult Subject Matter and Mature Instances.

    Marilyn - Just don't tell them.

  11. my apologies if my selection went beyond the bounds of your blog.

    I'd love to see how far one would have to go to put that apology up at Fox's place.

  12. Wait... can't we get more than one picture for Marilyn Mondays???

    What about doing a Fox Fridays?

  13. No, Fox. For one thing, I get the feeling Marilyn is going to but the kibosh on "Marilyn Monday" sooner rather than later. Second, I can't have my blog turn into nothing but Reader Requests. Third, I think I already said I wasn't going to post porn.

  14. Reader requests? What a great idea for your blog Bill, thanks for bringing it up.

    Okay, so, I'd like Tuesdays to be Terror Tuesday where you post about a horror movie we all vote on.

    Then Wednesday should be Wednesday's Woman where we vote on a women's film to be featured.

    Anybody else? What a great idea!

  15. Ooh, ooh, Sci-Fi Sundays. I'll pick that one.

    And Rick can pick the post for Tarkovsky Thursdays.

  16. No, no, you misunderstood!

    Actually, this would save me the hassle of coming up with ideas. If I went through with this, would you guys pay me?

  17. If I went through with this, would you guys pay me?

    With a heartfelt thanks? Sure, why not.
