Monday, December 1, 2008

Marilyn Monday - Sherilyn Fenn


  1. I think Marilyn and I have the same taste. Heh.

  2. Yes, this was an easy one for me. And I'd coincidentally been thinking of Sherilynn Fenn as a perfect choice for a lazy, non-Marilyn Sexy Ladies post, so this worked out well.

  3. She has a million sexy photos; I always check to see that there's something to pick. But honestly, hers was the first name that came to me when I read your The Sadist post. The concept of Boxing Helena is like my worst nightmare.

  4. I've never seen Boxing Helena, but it's available free on Cox Cable's FearNet(TM). Is it actually worth seeing? For obvious reasons, I likes me some Sherilyn Fenn, but I do NOT likes me some Julian Sands.

  5. I wouldn't if I were you. It's supposed to be terrible. Kim Basinger bowed out of it and put up with a lawsuit to stay out of it.

  6. Oh, so you haven't seen it? I thought you had.

    I knew about Basinger's tumultuous involvement with the film, but come's Kim Basinger! I don't think she's really a good judge of quality. Even so, I don't expect Boxing Helena to be good, exactly, but I'm certainly curious. One thing that I have feeling will work against the film is that I would wager Jennifer Lynch, the film's writer/director, and daughter of David, probably doesn't feel mentally strange to her bones the way her father does. What I mean is, David Lynch is a legitimately weird guy, and his films are the way they are because they could be no other way. Jennifer Lynch, if I had to guess, is weird once-removed, in that she grew up with a strange father who made strange films, but has to force the strangeness into her own work. Does that make any sense? Anyway, that's why I like David Lynch, and don't like most self-consciously "strange" films.

  7. Believe it or not, I followed that. And you're probably right. I think. I'd be interested in your opinions on the film. Helplessness, claustrophobia, there's no way I'll put myself through that.

  8. Okay, I'm going to watch it in the next few days (okay, probably not until this weekend), and then write about it. Yay, I have plans for my blog!

  9. I knew about Basinger's tumultuous involvement with the film

    Did you know about the candy thing with E.T. Because it's true.

    Do Nicole Kidman next Monday (just pretend I'm Marilyn and go with it).

  10. Do Nicole Kidman next Monday That wasn't the best way to word that. Put up a pic of NK next Monday.

  11. Monday is Marilyn's day, but I bet I can find an excuse to be lazy this weekend and post one.

  12. Jonathan - Get your hand out of my back. I can move my lips myself!

    Actually, I was thinking about Kidman because of Rod's cool review of Australia, but I hate line jumpers, so forGET it.

  13. So wait, is next Monday Nicole Kidman, or not?

  14. Yes it is, I was just joking.

    - Marilyn.

  15. Ha ha Jonathan, very funny. Okay, this is Marilyn for real and I say definitely put up a pic of Nicole Kidman next Monday, or my name isn't Marilyn Ferdinand.

  16. Well there you have it. Marilyn said to go with Nicole Kidman. Good call Marilyn.

  17. The way you even changed your icon to look like mine to confuse Bill - Brilliant.

  18. It's true...I'm confused. My decision is that next Monday I will post a picture of Nicole Kidman...or will I???

  19. I wanna make sure you see this, so forgive me for making the comment two posts up, but....

    CARLA GUGINO IS SUPER HOT! I first fell in love in Snake Eyes.

  20. Disturbing Sherilyn Fenn memory...

    When her scalp is loose in Wild at Heart... yikes. That scene still gives me the yuckies.

  21. I think Wild at Heart is Lynch's worst movie, but that scene is effective.

  22. Awww... I like Wild at Heart. I don't love it as much as I thought I did when I watched it the last time, but it's a pretty awesome ride.

    What would I say is Lynch's worst film? That's tough... I haven't seen Dune, so I would probably go with Eraserhead. I know that might irk some people, but I really don't like it that much.

  23. To be honest, I don't really like Eraserhead either. I admire the hell out of it, and I'm glad Lynch made it, but I don't know when I'll ever watch it again. I haven't seen Dune since I was a kid.

  24. I thought Dune looked amazing, kind of a combo of new special effects with old where you can see wires and things in many scenes. But story wise I thought it was a big poopy.

  25. It feels like we're the only three people online today.

  26. It does, doesn't it? We should probably make the most of it and talk about something interesting...

  27. I think Miss Fenn and Miss Gugino have already covered that topic.

  28. Dude.... Gugino's boobs??? I mean... wow. Perfect is the world that I'll use.

  29. I wonder if Jonathan used to date her... that would probably explain why he's being so quiet.

  30. And then I cut it's head off. She laughed at me!

  31. Sherilyn Fenn once checked me out in a bar. Or maybe it was the other one. I forget her name. Lara Flynn Boyle. Fenn. Flynn. You can see my confusion.

  32. If Sherilyn Fenn had checked me out in a bar, I would have told that story to you all a long time ago, and several more times subsequently. So it must have been Lara Flynn Boyle.

  33. Yeah, it was Lara Flynn Boyle. This was a good 10 years ago or more, before she got frightening. She was embracing another man and looked over his shoulder right at me and held the look, which was kind of creepy. She was also smoking, which seemed odd to me. Who hugs when they're smoking?

  34. I may have smoked and hugged at the same time before, but if so I was most likely drunk at the time. I'd think, otherwise, you'd take a second to put the cigarette in the ashtrey, at least. Actors! You never know what they're gonna do next.
